
Packing For The Hospital? 2 Things Your Newborn's First Outfit Should Offer

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When you and your spouse start packing your bags for the hospital, you might be tempted to fill that tote with frilly dresses, leg warmers, and cute little jackets for your baby. However, when your hospital stay is up, you will need to dress your brand new little bundle of joy in a functional, safe outfit for the trip home. Here are two things your newborn’s first outfit should offer, so that you can enjoy one of the best days of your life:  …

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New To Vaping? 3 Tips For A Better E-Cigarette Experience

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If you’re looking for an alternative to cigarettes, electronic cigarette are a terrific choice. They don’t smell, they’re not messy, they don’t leave burn marks in your clothes or your furniture, and they’re allowed in many places that cigarettes are not allowed in. They’re also an effective form of nicotine replacement. E-cigs are easy to use, but when you first begin using them, there is a bit of a learning curve.…

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Should You Buy Or Should You Rent A Garden Tiller? Four Things To Consider

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If you have just moved into your new home and intend to grow a garden, you’ve probably already figured out you will need a garden tiller to till the soil. You may be wondering whether you should buy a garden tiller (also referred to as a garden tractor) or rent one to get the job done. There are several important things to consider before you make that decision. Time & Commitment…

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Oh Deer: Three Mistakes That Could Be Preventing A Successful Hunt

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As a hunter, you know that every time you go out in the woods you’ll have a different experience. On some trips you may bag your fair share of game, but others might leave you scratching your head and wondering where all the deer have gone. While there’s no way to ensure a successful deer hunt every time, you could be making a few mistakes when you hunt that are costing you the results you’re aiming for.…

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3 Things You Need To Know Before Buying Gold

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Gold, glorious gold. Who doesn’t like the stuff? If you’re getting ready to buy, you don’t want to fall for the first shiny piece of metal you come across. Whether you’re pursuing a new hobby as a collector or you’re in it to make a buck, here are three things you need to know before handing over the cash. Gold coins or gold bars? You may not think there’s much of a difference between coins and bars.…

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Getting More Salt: How Himalayan Salt Lamps Can Improve Your Health And Well-Being

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There’s an unusual treatment for a whole host of health problems, and it involves getting more salt into your day. Himalayan salt lamps are more than just a pretty piece of decorative lighting; these pieces of centuries-old salt mined from deep within the Himalayan mountains seem to offer powerful relief for a whole host of health problems. If you are looking for a more natural way to make your home a little healthier, here are some ways that Himalayan salt lamps can help.…

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